Friday, April 07, 2006

Dreams storage room

Talking about dreams, I have a dream. Sometimes our dreams become true, and sometimes they are aborted. For whatsoever reason. And then what usually happens, is that they vanish and we forget them or we feel frustrated. Because they didn’t come true. But are we sure they will never ever come true?

Well, so many emotions are contained in a dream, that when it is aborted, we probably try to kill the feelings inside that dream. Just to be protected. To avoid the suffering of them not being true.

I have an idea. What if we “store” dreams in a virtual mind room? Remember the Walt Disney legend? Frozen and waiting for the science to be able to cure him? Ok, that’s a legend, but the idea is exactly that.

We pick our dreams, our hope in them and our emotions, altogether to a dream storage room. They have not vanished nor disappeared. They are just waiting. Waiting for a second chance to become true. We look after them, not intensively, but lets say keeping en eye so they are never forgotten.

If hopefully some day our dreams get a second chance, we go there, to our private storage room and seek for them. Oh yes, they will be safe and fresh. We have been taking care of them. Then we can just find them exactly as we left them a while ago and finally, at last, enjoy them 


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