Sunday, April 09, 2006

Soul Repair Centre

In every market there are unexplored opportunities. I think that when a soul is hurt (and this market is huge) no integral therapies can be found. Yes I agree, we can find a lot of limited alternative solutions. We have psychologists, psychiatras, we can go shopping (this works well for me), or find a replacement for what has been lost. Not bad after all.

But then I think, and why not, there are companies dedicated to organise your wedding, companies dedicated to fully redecorate you house, and spas to deal with you health problems. All of this is simply perfect.

So why don't try to have a soul repair center. Lets see, what do we need? Just a brief list, not exhaustive:

- Caresses
- Love
- Pampers
- Praises
- More caresses
- New targets
- Smiles
- New challenges
- Faith
- Optimism
- More caresses
- Company

But we need to be very professional. We cannot repair souls as we repair plugs. First, when we receive the damaged soul, we need to make a thorough diagnose. Look at the soul from many perspectives. Is it very damaged? How many wounds does it have? Are they old or new?

And then we need a plan and different therapies, right? So we go for the traditional scientist methodology: Trial and error. We can start with caresses (I think this always works - who can say no to that?), we can continue with smiles, and so on. But, oh yes, we need to keep in mind the key point: Monitoring the evolution. Is the damaged soul looking better? Have we chosen the proper means to fix it? Oh how good will it be the first happyness synthom. How good it is to smile again or to see a smile.

I must confess that eagles have an advantage. They can scan until they find something worth. I do it. In fact I've already found something very very worth. He is not aware, though. Now the only little problem is to convince him about that :)

But everything will come. Step by step, we will be there.

So this soul repair centre might the golden eggs goose. There damaged souls could learn to smile again, after the treatment they might feel perfect (not good, perfect). And yet sell a maintenance kit for a couple of years, just to be in the safe side.

I do need to develop this business. It might work.


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