Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Black silence

Silence is like a black hole. It is uncertainty. It is lack of information.

Sometimes I think that the little bird is happily flying, but when I look to the sky I can never see him. Then, some other times, I think that the eagle could not make it and surrounded. Then I feel sad. I want the little bird to be happy, flying with spread wings, even if this is done far away from the eagle, it will be ok.

So, little bird, please send a message to the eagle saying that you are happily flying.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A different view about human evolution

When we talk about evolution, concepts are quite clear. The best ones are the ones to survive, therefore generation upon generation, species are expected to be better (I read though a book entitled "El elogio del imbécil" that sustained the opposite theory - interesting approach as well). But lets stick to the traditional approach.

So from a genetic approach I think we can agree that every generation is in average slightly better than the previous one. And we can conclude then that the most evolved persons are the most beautiful, tall, healthy, etc.

But what happens with the cultural commands that we learn since we are born, either in an explicit way or by other means? Can we consider that there is an evolution in there as well or not?

I think that for instance men that hit their kids "to teach them" are a clear example of non evolved individuals. Because they not only stick to old concepts, on top if this they dare to support their behaviour as the correct one. This behaviour is an example of the cultural command that says that a man has to be strong, and to rule the lives of their family. He does not have to negociate, whatever he says has to be accepted, etc. Just because he is the man of the house. This also means that he lacks more evolved capabilities to get the same result with a more evolved approach (and he also lacks many other things, but this is not the point now).

Tons of cultural commands are blocking our evolving capabilities. Pruning our wings when they start to grow. Aborting our mind attempts to bypass the rules. A man is not expected to do this or that. A woman, a kid, should not do this or that. I think we are not even aware of this. Like when we drive a car, most of the actions are not done in a conscious level. We just behave in a way, in the accepted way from a cultural perspective, but when we do, the root cause analysis is not that clear.

So to me an evolved person is a person able to bypass these commands. To make things he or she is not expected to do. If we take a frequent example, like men don't cry, or if they do they are weak men, not brave enough, etc., then I think that this command is spread by people who are themselves not capable to give that step forward. Thus a man that dares to cry is an evolved man.

When a man that cries will get to the point that he will not feel ashamed because of crying, but he will be proud of being able to go beyond cultural anachronic commands, then it will be perfect :)

Sunday, April 30, 2006


This is a concept that has always fascinated me. The extent of it is endless. When a little kid jumps to a pool because his mother is telling him to do so, this is trust. When we talk about religion, this is trust. When we blindly believe in another person, this is trust. Strong concept. Totally linked with faith. In fact I am not sure I could explain the exact difference between the two words.

Some years ago, I went to a training program for team building. Ten work colleagues in total. Three days in a hotel, isolated from the office and from the world in general. I went there expecting a typical training program with some theoretical ideas, and some workshops. I was wrong. The three days we were making physical exercises or lets say games. We put our bodies, the only ones we have, under the responsibility or our mates. As the course was progressing, we were each time more confident in the rest. We did things we never thought we could do. Because we trusted the others. I remember the last exercise (I remember all of them). One guy 1,93 tall running towards a 3 meters wood wall. Over the wall, like in a balcony, three girls, none of them specially muscled, holding him when he jumped. We had to catch him and lift him. We did. I still don't know how, but we did.

Trust is that wonderful feeling in which you can get totally inmersed. It's a fulfilling sensation. When you really trust someone, you are completely sure that he will never disappoint you. And when the other person behaves as expected, you feel happy. You feel happy because you took the risk of trusting and you were right doing it. I think that when someone makes risk sports, it feels almost the same. The only difference is that these are risk soul sports.

But trust is at the same time a strong and a fragile feeling. Probably because when we trust someone we have our hearts totally open and without any defense, a slight shadow, a small reason can awake our sense of alert. We can feel easily suspicious, because we give so much of us to a person we trust, that we don't want to be disappointed. We don't want to feel that we gave so much to the wrong person.

If we have ever been betrayed (and all of us have been betrayed some time), then if there are some signals that make us think this could happen again, we feel scared. Even terrified. Because it is not only the possibility of being disappointed (or something worse) again. It is as well the memories of what happened before. And this hurts.

So maybe we will show our distrust to the person that has given a signal that probably has been misunderstood. And we will hurt this person. Because no one is guilty for things or wounds other people made before. Thus it is unfair to treat this person with reluctancy.

It is unfair, but looking at it from the other part of the cake (the chocolate part), it is understandable. No one wants to suffer twice for the same reason.

I train myself to trust. I make an effort to do it proactively. Daily. Because I know how good it feels when you are right trusting. And I know how well a person feels when being trusted. This is why sometimes, in my work, I've trusted people no one else was trusting. And they did well. Very well. People change when they feel trusted.

Try it, try to blindly trust someone. Make sure you choose the right person first. And then, trust. Close your eyes and feel in all your body that you will not be disappointed. It works for me :)

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The diamond seeker and the senseless search

Tonight I don't have my favorite diamond. The one that shines most. But no, I am not alone. Some of the other diamonds are there. What a shame, they are not enough to fill the empty space.

So the seeker feels the instint to go and take a look at the diamond factory channel. One after the other, she talks to them.

I remember (well, I don't remember, I am not that old - but I've heard about it) the first radio days. The magic of someone talking and some other person, far away from he first one, feeling the connection.

How can a magic connection be described? I don't know really. I don't know. Perhaps this inner sense related to the radio. Feeling that the communication frequency is the same. The sound is clear. A soul talking to another soul. No noise. Sometimes even without words the communication is there. So intense, so sweet, so caressing, so full of magic.

The diamond seeker has examinated at least ten new diamonds today. Some of them pretend to be diamonds, but they are not. They are just a piece of glass. Some of them are diamonds, but they don't shine. Or if they do, the diamond seeker does not see the light. What at the end is the same that not having light at all. Some of them maybe can shine, but there is no connection. Like in the radio, one person speaking in one frequency, and the other person speaking in another frequency. No communication. No connection. No magic.

I don't really know why she has this naive thoughts and insists in seeking anyway. Who can be happy with a piece of glass once having been in the Kimberly mines?

I miss my favorite diamond. The one that shines above the others. But please, please keep the secret. He does not know how much he shines. Not yet.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mind Games 1: Parallel Conversations

Have you ever thought that communicating in an instant messaging mode with another soul is to a certain extent a miracle…

It is true that so many things are missing. We don’t listen to a voice, we don’t see the eyes, the overall body language, the smiles, some gestures…

But, probably like blind people do, the few things we count with to communicate with the other soul, get overdeveloped and on the alert. Extremely sensitive, letters communicate feelings and emotions, and silences as well.

Changing subjects now, what is a parallel conversation? Oh, this all of us know it very well. This is when your mouth let some words go out but your mind is thinking of absolutely different things. Lets see some examples:

She says: Sorry, do you have light please?
She thinks: I’ve never seen such beautiful eyes before

He says: I can’t talk now. I’m in a meeting. Shall I call you later?
He thinks: What an unbearable person. No way I will talk to him

She says: Oh, I’d love to go out tonight with you but I’ve got plans already…
She thinks: What a shame he didn’t ask before…Now I can’t cancel the dinner with my sister
He thinks: She does not like me. She’s going out with a guy she really likes

Lovely parallel conversations with ourselves.

Now jumping back to the first subject, sometimes, in fact very few occasions, you can have such an intense and subtle communication with the other soul, so full of deep joy, that you can openly play some mind games. In this case, the parallel conversations mind game. Nice one. I did it for the first time few days ago with this special soul.

It was such a great sensation. Both conversations, the explicit and the hidden, written together and simultaneously. Exactly as it happens in our mind, no? Simultaneously. Fun. Joy for both souls.

I think I’ve said this before, but this is what I call happiness. Instants of deep joy. You can be happy some minutes while it happens. But don’t forget how many more times you will be happy just remembering this sort of magic moments.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The inner child

Well, lets face it. He is right. He is younger but I am the kid. I have a (stubborn) active child inside. I plan to have this kid always alive (if I did not plan it would happen anyway, so why should I start a battle with myself that I know I would lose?).

In 40 years from now I see myself as this old lady with the shiny eyes trying to convince the rest of her elderly colleagues to start a salsa dancing competition. Ok, right, some of them cannot dance any longer? Fine, no problem. So the ones that cannot dance can participate in a mus tournament. Oh, so at the end they are having fun, eh? Even the ones thay were moaning before the start? You see. Sometimes people don't know what they are capable to do - and yet have fun while doing it. It is not the success itself what brings fun. Fun comes while we are on our way, during all the way.

When I was a teenager I was very sporty. I remember that my coach was the national team coach. A really tough one. Sometimes some of us were moaning to him "Please, please, for god's sake, I can't do more!". I remember his smart and calm look. "Oh yes, you definitively can do more. You don't even know how much more you can do" (now that I think about it, he had a poliomyelitis when he was a kid and ended coaching a national volleyball team, so I guess he knew what he was talking about).

It is amazing how some words are engraved in one's memory. I've always wondered why. Why these ones and not other ones. Maybe the ones that stick in our minds are the ones that surprise us the most. Or the ones that we do not believe. Who knows what the triggers are for this to happen.

The fact is that during all my life I've said this sentence (or thought it without saying it explicitly) many many times. Most of the people do not know how far they can go. How well they can do. This is totally proven, it is not a fantasy. If you have ever experienced the miracle of a person discovering that he has gone beyond what he thought was the maximum, the limit, you know what I am talking about. I am talking of a whole discovery. That person, at that moment, is having his child reborn. Fresh and happy.

So what does it mean to keep the child alive? Well, it means a lot of things. I think I could write a whole book just talking about this. I've read a couple of times that children use lets say 8% of their brain capacity, while adults use 3% or 4% (I've read different percentages but the relationship remain more or less the same). And what does this mean? I think that the answer is very simple. All the investments the society does to raise and educate their kids have the same result. To kill approximately 50% of their thinking ability.

I think that a child has a lot of virtues. And I mean a lot. First thing that I can say about a child is that his hope is alive. Also he is full of energy. Capability not only to think that things can improve (an adult can also do this), but also to have faith in it. A faith that can be irrational sometimes, I agree. And trust, also trust. In oneself, in the rest of people, and basically in everything that looks worth. And enthusiasm. Oh, I really don't know how many virtues I could write here, but there would be a lot.

My child inside is a bit crazy. She does not realise that I am a grown up lady and maybe I should behave more seriously. Sometimes she puts me into big troubles :) But she has been so so close to me when I needed her. She has helped me so many times. She is my inner faith. My inner power.

I really like to have my child inside, completely alive. Jumping and singing. Going from here to there. Hyperactive (this was the first thing I heard people said about me when I really was a kid). Always ready to have fun. Ready to work hard. To try to make something work. Again and again. Until it does. If you doubt that anything can work then you need to talk with your child. He will tell you that if the target is reachable, if you try to reach it by different approaches, and you are patient and persistent enough, then it will work.

Ops, I forgot! Maybe this happens because of two characteristics of kids I did not mention before: they are stubborn and they don't like to lose ;)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The resident guest

When we work with a PC, there are programs that are called resident programs. These programs are not seen by any person, but are there. The PC needs them to run. These programs are always running though people do not realise about it.

As a PC has resident programs, a mind can have resident guests. Someone that no one else can see, but that is there all the time. In a subtile mode maybe. But there.

Today she waked up. She did many things. All the things she usually does. She was smiling, watching, thinking, doing something, talking.

All the time her mind was dealing with two different levels. In the foreground, she had her normal life and activities. And in the background, the resident guest was there. People hopefully did not realise about him, but he was there all the day.

Difficult sensation to describe, but I guess that easy to understand. To have conversations and do things but as well be thinking about him, in a resident mode. Under the surface, her thoughts remain the same. I guess this is what people use to call "hiding" emotions or thoughts. To be pretending to pay attention to something, but not really (or at least not totally) be doing it.

Tough exercise for the eagle. But today it was not that bad. She managed not to cry. Her eyes in some moments tried to do it, but they lost the battle.

Tomorrow she will try to pay more attention to the foreground and less attention to the background. Maybe she will be able to :)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Game Over

The diamond lost the confidence in the eagle and is broken into pieces. The eagle is hurt and needs some time for her wounds to improve. Two souls that were so close to each other are not close any longer.

The diamond is hopefully in the soul repair centre. The eagle cannot do more. She has tried everything already. None of them are happy.

Things are where they must be. Any other choice would have been worse. But God, how much it hurts.

The eagle could never hold the diamond as she wanted, in her arms. This is what can happen when you deal with jewels. If you are not careful enough, you break them into pieces.

The eagle prefers to think that this is not an end, but a break. Just a freezing state until the diamond can see the light again. She will put this dream in the dreams storage room to keep it safe and alive. Just in case.

She's probably wrong though. But never mind. An eagle needs to think in this way to keep on flying.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The loneliness of a decision maker

Sometimes a person needs to take decisions. Sometimes one knows these decisions are tough. Sometimes one knows these decisions will hurt a person. Maybe a beloved person.

The decision maker evaluates which are the alternatives. The risks. What might happen if this decision is not taken and nothing is done. The decision maker tries desperately to find a solution that is good for all parties. But she cannot. Time is short. No room for digging into other alternatives any longer.

Tough things to do. Tough feelings to be faced. Feeling guilty, feeling like a traitor, feeling like disappointing. One selfish voice says don’t feel like this, it is not your fault.
And another voice says, if you do love him go ahead, do what is good for him, and bear those bad feelings.

Maybe we will earn the hate of the beloved person. This is one of the risks the decision maker knows is being faced. We think, we feel that we might lose him. And we think we have to do the best for this beloved person, even if this person does not realize about this now.

The decision is easy to take though. We have two choices. Do we prefer our wellbeing or the long term wellbeing of the beloved person? Are we selfish enough to prefer being loved than hated even when this will be worse for the beloved person?

The decision maker prefers, because her way of loving is different, that the beloved person is ok but hating her, that not ok but loving her. That’s it.

So there we go. We take the decision the beloved person does not want us to take.

And the decision maker and her conscience are left alone. With this bitter taste. And alone. With the only company of the inner sense of having taken the right decision. But yet alone.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Why should the diamond seeker chose one diamond among the others?

People frequently goes in the wrong direction when thinking why a jewel is better than another one. They think that if the stone is bigger or more resistant or seems to shine more then it is a better jewel. This is absolutely wrong. What matters to the diamond seeker is the capacity of the jewel to make her feel sensations. When the diamond seeker holds a jewel in her hand and the jewel is able to make her go through a whole variety of feelings, then the diamond seeker knows this is the best diamond.

What exactly are the things that the diamond seeker appreciates in a jewel? I’ll make a list to make it clear.

- The purity of his heart and the soul
- Capacity to feel
- Capacity to show (to her, not to the rest of the world) what he feels
- Desire to learn to shine or to learn whatever the diamond seeker wants to teach him
- True devotion
- Capacity to melt
- Docility
- Desire to see the diamond seeker happy
- Power to overcome her

This is all the diamond needs to get the diamond seeker attention. I know one diamond that has all these characteristics (I would find more if I had more time). I think that because the diamond thinks the diamond seeker looks for other qualities sometimes he does not have a clear view neither on why he looks so attractive to her, nor why she wants to have him much more than any other jewel.

Let the River run

This is something I wrote the day after I thought the River did not want to come. It was something written more to bullshit my mind than for any other reason.


There are so so many beautiful amazing songs. This is one of them. I love the power and the energy its music has.To say the truth, not all the lyrics are great but, as usual we can find some wonderful parts, such as:

We're coming to the edge...
coming through the fog...
let all the dreamers wake the nation...
It's asking for the taking...
trembling, shaking...
Oh, my heart is aching (now for whatsoever reason it came to my mind those New Orleans funerals with music)
We, the great and the small, stand on a star, and blaze a trail of desire through the darkning dawn

Rivers are free. A song to freedom. They can't remain in a fixed place. You have to let the river run. You can't hold them against their will.

Yes I know, maybe the river does not know where to go, but have you ever really seen a stuck river? Sooner or later, the river will find its way. On his own. Let him do it. As the song, rivers are full of power and energy.


Things are different since the puzzle was built. Now I won't let the River run. Because I will only do it if I know he will be happy. Meanwhile this is not the case, I want him very very close to me.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Soul Repair Centre

In every market there are unexplored opportunities. I think that when a soul is hurt (and this market is huge) no integral therapies can be found. Yes I agree, we can find a lot of limited alternative solutions. We have psychologists, psychiatras, we can go shopping (this works well for me), or find a replacement for what has been lost. Not bad after all.

But then I think, and why not, there are companies dedicated to organise your wedding, companies dedicated to fully redecorate you house, and spas to deal with you health problems. All of this is simply perfect.

So why don't try to have a soul repair center. Lets see, what do we need? Just a brief list, not exhaustive:

- Caresses
- Love
- Pampers
- Praises
- More caresses
- New targets
- Smiles
- New challenges
- Faith
- Optimism
- More caresses
- Company

But we need to be very professional. We cannot repair souls as we repair plugs. First, when we receive the damaged soul, we need to make a thorough diagnose. Look at the soul from many perspectives. Is it very damaged? How many wounds does it have? Are they old or new?

And then we need a plan and different therapies, right? So we go for the traditional scientist methodology: Trial and error. We can start with caresses (I think this always works - who can say no to that?), we can continue with smiles, and so on. But, oh yes, we need to keep in mind the key point: Monitoring the evolution. Is the damaged soul looking better? Have we chosen the proper means to fix it? Oh how good will it be the first happyness synthom. How good it is to smile again or to see a smile.

I must confess that eagles have an advantage. They can scan until they find something worth. I do it. In fact I've already found something very very worth. He is not aware, though. Now the only little problem is to convince him about that :)

But everything will come. Step by step, we will be there.

So this soul repair centre might the golden eggs goose. There damaged souls could learn to smile again, after the treatment they might feel perfect (not good, perfect). And yet sell a maintenance kit for a couple of years, just to be in the safe side.

I do need to develop this business. It might work.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Dreams storage room

Talking about dreams, I have a dream. Sometimes our dreams become true, and sometimes they are aborted. For whatsoever reason. And then what usually happens, is that they vanish and we forget them or we feel frustrated. Because they didn’t come true. But are we sure they will never ever come true?

Well, so many emotions are contained in a dream, that when it is aborted, we probably try to kill the feelings inside that dream. Just to be protected. To avoid the suffering of them not being true.

I have an idea. What if we “store” dreams in a virtual mind room? Remember the Walt Disney legend? Frozen and waiting for the science to be able to cure him? Ok, that’s a legend, but the idea is exactly that.

We pick our dreams, our hope in them and our emotions, altogether to a dream storage room. They have not vanished nor disappeared. They are just waiting. Waiting for a second chance to become true. We look after them, not intensively, but lets say keeping en eye so they are never forgotten.

If hopefully some day our dreams get a second chance, we go there, to our private storage room and seek for them. Oh yes, they will be safe and fresh. We have been taking care of them. Then we can just find them exactly as we left them a while ago and finally, at last, enjoy them 

Different ways of loving

Love is a mistery. It has as many definitions as human beings. I remember that I had a boss that once said: when you have a child, your life will switch from 2 to 3 dimensions. He was bloody right. This love is an unlimited love. For your kid, you would put your body between the danger and him. Without thinking a single second. Instinct love. Almost animal. Survival love. Sacrifice love.

Then you have what we could call traditional occidental couple love. This is an interesting one. With many nuances and differences. It can be good or it can be bad. Often it is a mixture of good and bad things. Everytime I read in a newspaper that a man killed his former wife "because she will be with me or with no one else" then I think that even maybe this man thinks he loved her, this can't be love. This is the apology to selfishness. this is exactly the opposite to the type of love I will talk - ok, lets say write - in the last place.

Traditional occidental couple love has several ingredients, all in certain degree, higher or lower depending on the person: love, desire, sex, jealousy (I hate this one), "affection", care for the other one, selfishness (to a certain degree - remember), joint plans, caress, maybe children, usually a mortgage. You can feel happyness and frustrations here. You can also suffer in this type of love, even loving and being loved.

Maybe we could say that sex or erotism in all his aspects could be also called love. I go for it. I think it is love. Ok, maybe limited in time and intensity, but love after all.

There are many more types of love in my opinion, but we will not talk of them right now, they are not relevant now.

And then there is a very special love. I believe that few people has the gift to feel it. Hopefully I will be able to explain it. This is a love that lacks selfishness. It is generous. It is protective. It is a love that prefers the beloved person to be far away from you but happy, than having him close to you but unhappy. It is a love that gives without taking. It is a love that grows through the other person's happyness. You know how I paraphrase this type of love. This is the love that makes you work hard to see wings growing. This is the love that makes you work hard to build the right foundations. To eliminate weeds.

Oh, so maybe this is not love but altruism? No, no. The reward comes. But in a different way. In the traditional love, you feel happy when the other person says he loves you. In this type of love you feel happy when the other person is happy. When you see him smiling and you feel your heart full of joy. When you feel that the other person has had a good day. Ok, agree, sometimes little things. But what is happyness after all? Isn't it some seconds of glory? Isn't it two minutes in paradise? I've felt sometimes that people tend to think that happyness is a stable state of mind that you can reach if you are sorrounded of perfection. Wrong. Totally wrong. This world is built of moments. Instants. Seconds.

And yes, you can still desire this person. Even maybe badly. But this feeling is not the core feeling. Because desire is to a certain extent the wish to have someone or something to be (oneself) happy. Because, believe or not, you can be happy if the person is happy with another person. Because it is such a pure love that does not understand anything about selfishness. But yes, nothing is perfect. People that can feel this type of love only can suffer if the beloved person is not happy. And they can't accept that. Not without fighting for it. Because they need to feel again the miracle of this strange sensation of being overflowed with pure love (ok, so maybe this is the selfish part after all). To feel it again and again. Endlessly.

I can love like this. And I am not the only one. I've been told that there is a famous writer that went three times through a not precisely nice experience. Not by his choice. People that loved him this way made him go through this. Because they wanted him to be ok, to be happy, to receive what he needed. It seems that this really worked. There is a saying I always remember: you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Sometimes you have to do things you don't like to be ultimately where you want or you need to be.

Yesterday I was given one of the most beautiful gifts I've ever received. The person I love in this way offered to go through an experience he did not want to go only to make me happy. Well, hopefully this is not needed. Maybe even if this is needed he at the end would not it. But you know what? The sole act of offering it, of thinking to do it for this reason, is one of the things that makes this world be worth. Really worth. I cannot think of receiving a bigger gift than this one. Thank you for this.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The diamond seeker

She, the diamond seeker, found him one day in february. He said some special things. She knew from the very first moment this was going to be different.

She has no complaints, no rancours. Not because she has had a happy life, but because she has a gift. She can enjoy the beauty of life. She can sing without a reason. She is thankful for what she has, even though she does not have more than the rest of the human beings.

Have you ever tried to ask the baker if he is ok? is he having a nice day? happy because summer is coming? Normally nobody does. Many people go through life without receiving these little nice gifts. She does it. With every person she meets there is an effort, small maybe, to lighten their day. And you know what? It works. Oh God how well it works. Then she gets the payback. She enters the bakery and the baker smiles and says her name. He is having some seconds of happiness, and so does she. Easy silly things that can bring light (I don't know how I arrived here).

Anyway, she thought he needed help. He looked like a charming helpless soul, overflowed of feelings he felt attracted to, and he was scared of them as well. So it looked like a good idea to try to build the foundations for the changes he needed and wanted. She felt confident to suceed. And well, why not, she did to a certain extent. He appeared to be better. At that moment she didn't want him for herself. This was an altruistic will, so as he could, some day, do what he wanted.

They both started a joint "project". She wanted to see him ok, strong and happy. He wanted something, but we are not sure what this was. Little by little, they needed each other. They gave gifts to the other's soul. Souls were happy, or so it seemed.

He continued deploying this bloody irresistible charm he is not aware of having. As time went by, she started to feel different things. The trap was there for her to fall into it. And one day, the game was over. We will talk about this later.

We can look at the same thing from different perspectives now, for sure. But at the end, she had so many moments full of happyness, that who would regret it? This is what she got, and again, she's thankful for that.

She, the diamond seeker, has seen a lot of stones. She knows many of them very well. Some of the stones want to be traded by this diamond seeker only. Some of the stones hide jewels in it. And some of them are so, so good jewels. She might be wrong, of course. But unless someone provides evidence on the contrary, she will still think that the biggest diamond she've ever met has slipped among her fingers.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Eagle's resurrection - Making miracles

When we think of souls that have been hurt, we often think of weak souls. But what if a strong soul is hurt? Well, we all go through sad or bad (or both) situations. Then what is the difference?

Maybe the difference is that a weak soul might be swallowed by these circumstances while a strong soul will try (and will succeed) to seek for a saving drift wood.

So the process from a strong soul perspective would be like this: scanning facts with an eagle’s eye. Pros and cons. Wins and losses. Weaknesses and strengths. Where we are and where we want to be. What we need to do to get there. And, finally, simply go for it.

So there we go. The strong soul feels hurt. But inside the specific situation there must be Pros. There must be some wins. Some thing, maybe a silly one, will be better than before being hurt.

What do we have? We have strengths, we have pros and we have wins. Just look at those. Deeply. Focus on those. Make the sad part start to vanish softly, slowly. Yet firmly. See the shape of those starting to disappear. Make your mind dance around these things. Remember you’ve done this before. You can do it. Feel the good part of it growing. Day by day. Little by little.

Now, in parallel, before we were hurt, which were the weak points? Focus on that. What part was not good after all. Focus again on that. Make a zoom. Even a close up. Even if you find a single bad point, a little one, make it grow. Bigger and bigger. Cheat your brain. Your brain wants to be cheated anyway.

Oh, it’s not that easy? Well, you know it. You know it is not easy and you know you can make it anyway. Sooner or later. Just a matter of time and will. And you will do it.

And then, after a while, the eagle will rise again. Smiling, empowered, generous, forgiving. Yes, maybe the eyes will have this sad shadow if you look at them deeply. But at the end, who dares to look deeply at the eagle’s eyes?

Maybe someone will be able to see that little wound in the eagle’s wing. But they will hesitate and finally disregard it. The eagle is flying, no? So probably they didn’t see it well. This can’t be a wound, or if it is, it is not big enough to prevent the eagle from flying. Eagles are born for that.